Sunday, May 30, 2010

Engine Hesitation w/ Shock Shift on Low Speed

Model: Hyundai Centennial(LZ) Year Model: 2006 Mileage: 112200km
Displacement: 3500cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A: Auto
Subject: Engine Hesitation – Ignition Coil

1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Engine Hesitation w/ Shock Shift on Low Speed.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. Number 1 Ignition Coil Spark leaking Due to Cracked.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool Check = No trouble found.
  2. Inspect the engine condition with spark plug cable and coil removed one by one.
    (In engine starting condition).
    = Engine does not change when # 2 Cylinder is removed.
  3. Inspect wave form using Scan tool.
    = Abnormal wave form in # 2 cylinder.
  4. Check the spark plug cable and ignition coil.
    = Abnormal Condition # 1 coil cracked and the spark indicated that Spark is leaking.
    = After replacing the ignition coil, the engine operates normaly.
4) Trouble Repair Guide:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Field Case Study,Hyundai Sonata(FL)=ATM 3rd GEAR Hold

Model: Sonata (FL) Year Model: 2009 mileage:40000km
Displacement: 2400 cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A: Auto
N code: Impossible to Shift C code: Poor Contact & Short,Open Circuit System: Fuse & Relay Information
Subject: ATM 3rd Gear Hold = ATM Control Relay

1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Automatic Transaxle 3rd gear Hold During Driving.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. Inoperative ATM control relay due to poor wiring Ground.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check =Diagnostic Trouble Code.
  2.        DTC     Diagnostic Item
           P1723     ATM control relay open
    = Inspect the current data.
    = AT control Volt 0.00V.
  1. Inspect A/T control relay.
    = Calculate a resistance value of A/T relay coil:95 ohms = Normal
    = Check contact piont after removing A/T relay cover: Normal.
    = Inspect power source and ground condition using test lamp and multimeter.
    = # 1 terminal: 12Volt
    = # 4 terminal: the power is supplied for about 3.6 seconds the Cut oof when IG ket is turned “ON”
    = #2 Ground does not opperate
  2. Check the wire from the C48 connector tpo G14 ground point using multi meter: 0 ohms ( Normal)
  3. Inspect G 14 Ground point: Poor volt for tightening ground point.

    =Normal Condition After After Retightening the Bolt.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hyundai Santa Fe Field Trouble,Intermittent RPM Rising

Auto Learning/Field Case Study =Hyundai Cars Trouble Study ,this site Gives you an Idea about some problem occurred in Hyundai Cars.
Subject:Intermittent RPM Rising = APS(Acceleration Position Sensor)
Model: Santa Fe Year Model: 2006 Mileage: 80125km
Displacement: 2000cc Fuel: Diesel T/A: Auto
N code: Rough Idling C code: Poor Contact & Short Open Circuit System: Diesel Control System
1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Intermittently RPM increases(750—>1,3ooRpm) While Braking.
2) Trouble Cause:
  • APS(Acceleration Position Sensor) malfunction.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  • The APS signal is 899mV at Idle condition.

    = Specification – 0.6—0.75 Volt=
  • Check the power which inputted to APS sensor, Ground line,signal power – Normal.


    1) Sensor Power: 4.5 – 5.5 Volt(Disconnect the Connector)
    2)Sensor Ground : 0 Volt.

    3)Sensor signal: Idling 0.6-- 0.75 Volt, Full throttle 3.6 – 4.6 Volt.
  • Inspect the terminal APS connector= Normal.
  • Supply Power source(0.6V) to APS signal line using simulation mode in GDS(Global Diagnostic System)
    = Normal operation of Engine.
    = Replace the APS.
    = After replacing the APS, the sensor data and all system operate normally
4) Trouble Repair Guide:
  1. Replace the Acceleration Position Sensor.

Hyundai Field Trouble,Azera Hard Starting

This is a trouble from Azera 2009 model,any time if this problem occurred compulsory you have to change.and try to think, and try your best to fixed even you have no Idea about technical,like me I have no background about computer but thank God because I have some friend who teach me,so you can also my friend.
Model: Azera (TG) Year Model: 2009 Mileage: 40198km
Displacement: 3300cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A :Auto
N code: Hard Starting C code: Broken, Split ,Torn System: Fuel Delivery System
Subject:Engine Hard Starting – Fuel pump
1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Intermittent Hard Starting
  2. Engine Stalling for 3 Seconds after starting the Engine.
2) Trouble Cause:
  • The fuel supply hose in the fuel pump has been torn.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check = No trouble found.
  2. Check the Ignition coil Spark operation = Normal.
  3. Measure the fuel pressure using the fuel pressure gauge = 1.5 kg/cm2(Abnormal).

    Specification = 4.5 kg/cm
  4. Visually inspect after removing the fuel pump in the tank.
    = The fuel pump hose has been torn.
4) Trouble Repair Guide
  1. Replace fuel pump hose.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hyundai Trouble,Elantra(HD)ATM Slipping at 3rd & 4rth gear,shock on down shifting.

(note some problem from your auto may occurred due to misused on driving so as a result some parts inside gear burnt and and broken)
Model: Elantra (HD) Year model: 2009 Mileage:53265km
Displacement: 2000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A Auto
N code: Clutch Slipping C code: clogged oil passages System: Automatic transaxle control system
Subject: ATM Slipping on 3rd & 4rth gear, Shock on down shiftiing.
1) Trouble Condition:
  1. ATM Slipping on 3rd & 4rth gear.
  2. Shock occurred in down shifting.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. malfunctioning valve body.
  2. burnt clutch.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check = No trouble found.
  2. Road test to clarify the problem = problem occurs
4) Trouble Repair Guide:
  1. pull down automatic transmission and check defective parts.

    Replace Parts
    = seal kit and silicon
    =valve body assembly
    =A/T filter
    =low and reverse clutch
    =2nd brake clutch
    =one way clutch

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hyundai Matrix,Field Case Trouble,Engine Suddenly Cut Off During Driving

Model: Matrix Year Model: 2008 mileage: 40243km
Displacement: 1600cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A Auto
N code: Engine Cut Off C code: Broken,split,torn System: Fuel Delivery System
Trouble Subject:Engine Suddenly Cut Off During Driving = Fuel Pump

1) Field Case Trouble Condition:
  1. Engine Suddenly Cut OFF During Driving.
  2. After 20 km on Driving fuel smell comes then suddenly engine cut off.
2) Field Case Trouble Cause:
  1. The fuel cut valve in the fuel tank has been stuck up.
3) Field Case Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check = No trouble found
  2. Check Current Data = Ok
  3. Actuation test for the fuel pump = Ok
  4. Visual inspection underneath for indication of fuel leaking = fuel canister there is an indication of fuel leakage.
  5. Pull down fuel tank fuel canister.
  6. pull out and check fuel cut valve
    = stuck up valve.
4) Field Case Trouble Repair Guide:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hyundai Getz(TB) Impossible to Shift ATM(3rd Hold)=pulse Generator B

Model: Getz Year model: 2004 Mileage:78524km
Displacement: 1500cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A :Auto
N code:Impossible to shift(3rd hold) C code: Flaw in material System: Automatic trans. Control System
Subject: Impossible to shift ATM hold to 3rd = pulse Generator

1)  Trouble Condition:

  1. Impossible to shift auto transmission(3rd hold).
  2. Shock occurence when shifting gear N—>D,N—>R.

2) Trouble Cause:

  • Poor pulse Generator(B).

3) Trouble Diagnosis: 

  1. Scan tool check
    = Diagnostic Trouble code.
                                            DTC code
        P0722 Pulse Generator B (output Speed Sensor)
  • = Perform a driving test after erasing the DTC code.
  • = The DTC code is Displayed again.

     2   Inspect the oil in Auto transmission – Normal.

         = Transaxle fluid: Genuine Diamond ATF SP-III

     3   Stall test = Normal .
          = Stall speed: 2200 – 2800 rpm
          = Place the selector lever in the “R” position.
     4   Inspect the resistance in pulse generator and wiring contact.

4) Trouble Repair Guide:

  1. Normal current data G scan of pulse Generator of A & B
    PG-A(Input speed)      1532 rpm
    = PG-B(output speed)     968 rpm
  2. Pulse Generator circuit.
  3. Measure the resistance of output sensor
    = Channel 1 prove (+): Input sensor C02 terminal 4 signal line.
    = Channel 1 prove (-): Input sensor C02 terminal 3 sensor ground.
    =Specification: 245 + or – 30 ohms(Standard 20*c

C02 Terminal.

  1. Input speed sensor (+)
  2. Input speed sensor (-)
  3. Output speed sensor (+)
  4. Output speed sensor (-)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hyundai Elantra(HD)/ATM 3rd Hold – TPS

Model: Elantra (HD) Year model: 2008 mileage: 20567 km
Displacement:2000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A auto
N code: Impossible to shift C code: poor contact/short circuit System: Automatic transaxle
subject: ATM 3rd Hold – TPS(Throttle position Sensor)
1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Abnormal shock shift on driving.
  2. At engine idling shifting lever shift to “R” & “D” Normal
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. Abnormal TPS(Throttle Position Sensor)
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Check G- Scan ATM & Engine = No trouble found
  2. Check Current Data from ATM = Ok
  3. Check Current data from engine TPS = Abnormal
  4. Check with good TPS,
    = make Road test the problem disappeared.
4) Trouble Repair:
  1. Replace with good TPS 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Field Trouble,ATM 3rd Hold-TPS(throttle Position Sensor)Hyundai Sonata (NF)

Model: Sonata (NF) Year model: 2006 Mileage: 94313km
Displacement: 2400cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A Auto
N code: Impossible to shift(3rd hold) C code: poor contact & Short,open circuit. System: Automatic Transaxle Control system
Subject:ATM 3rd Hold-TPS(Throttle Position Sensor

1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Impossible to shift intermittently.
  2. Normal shift in Sport mode.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. Abnormal TPS
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Check output speed sensor = Normal
  2. Check the TPS: the value between ECM and TCM are different.
    = ECM (Engine Control Module) = 2 percent
    = TCM (Transmission Control Module) = 50 percent
    = The condition of the TPS wiring was Normal
    = The current data for the engine(Before repairing)
    = Current Data after repairing(After repairing)

       o2 sensor
      130 mv

       Map sensor
      210 mmHg

      Throttle position sensor
      2.0 percent


       Throttle pos. voltage
      332.0 mv


      1013 rpm
         02 sensor
      855 mV


        Map sensor


      Throttle position sensor


      TPS voltage
      351.5 mV


      799 rpm
min: 778


      12.5 percent


      868 rpm
4) Repair Guide:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Engine Hard to Start After Long Drive/Sonata (FL) 2009

Model: Sonata (FL) Year model: 2009 mileage:20432km
Displacement: 2400cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A All
N code:Hard starting C code: shorted relay Group: Engine Electrical system
Engine Hard to Start After Long Driving – main Relay.
1) Trouble Condition:
  1. Engine Hard to Start After Long Driving.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. Engine Main Relay – Malfunctioning.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check = No trouble code.
  2. check current Data = OK
  3. Check for Spark plug condition = OK
  4. check for Fuel pump pressure, check by putting fuel pressure gauge = OK pressure.
  5. check the function main Relay by actuation test from G-Scan = sometime Relay not clicking.
  6. or pull out the relay & check with Direct wire ,some time not working.
4) Trouble Rep[air Guide:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Poor acceleration – EGR solenoid valve/Terracan(HP)

this may help you on how to trouble shoot and give knowledge if this trouble occur into your own automobile.
model: Terracan  (HP) Yearmodel: 2004 mileage: 80269km
Displacement: 2900cc Fuel: Diesel T/A: All
N code: Rough idling C code: others System: Exhaust Emission Control System

1) Trouble and Condition:
  1. With a warm or cold engine, when accelerating, improper black exhuast gas comes out.
  2. Poor acceleration when driving on hilly road.
2) Trouble Cause:
  1. the EGR solenoid valve operates all the time.
  2. At idle, the EGR solenoid valve operates.
3) Trouble Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool checkimage
    = Diagnosis trouble code,
    C1604 = ECM circuit malfunction.
  2. Inspect with the wiring shaken.
  3. C1604 can be displayed by either hardware malfunction or wheel speed sensor contact malfunction (ECM circuit malfunction).
  4. When C1604 displays; before replacing the ECM and modulator check the wheel speed sensor.
  5. Check the leakage and damage of the EGR solenoid valve vacuum hose.= No trouble found.
  6. Inspect the amount of engine oil. Ok
  7. Inspect the A/C element condition = No trouble found.
  8. Check the current data for the AUTO T/A = No trouble found.
  9. Inspect the vacuum condition of the EGR S/VALVE, the vacuum does not appear frequently = No trouble is found with the power ON.
  10. While inspect the vacuum condition , the vacuum fails to form but leakage occurs.
4) Trouble Repair Guide:
  1. Replace the EGR S/VALVE ASS’Y.
  2. When there is a problem with improper exhaust gas, check the color of the gas first.
  3. When vehicle have problem with lack of fuel and contaminate elements, the desame symptom might be reproduce. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How does Antilock Brake System works?

An anti-lock braking system, or ABS is a safety system which prevents the wheels on a motorvehicle from locking up (or ceasing to rotate) while braking.
A rotating road wheel allows the driver to maintain steering control under heavy braking by preventing a skid and allowing the wheel to continue interacting tractively with the road surface as directed by driver steering inputs. ABS offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry and especially slippery surfaces. However, on loose surfaces like gravel and snow-on-pavement, it can slightly increase braking distance while still improving vehicle control.[1]
Since initial widespread use in production cars, anti-lock braking systems have evolved considerably. Recent versions not only prevent wheel lock under braking, but also electronically control the front-to-rear brake bias. This function, depending on its specific capabilities and implementation, is known as electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD), traction control system, emergency brake assist, or electronic stability control.
Modern ABS
Chrysler, together with the Bendix Corporation, introduced a true computerized three-channel, four sensor all-wheel antilock brake system called "Sure Brake" on the 1971 Imperial.[5] It was available for several years thereafter, functioned as intended, and proved reliable. General Motors introduced the "Trackmaster" rear-wheel (only) ABS as an option on their Rear-wheel drive Cadillac models in 1971.[6][7]
In 1975, Robert Bosch took over a European company called Teldix (contraction of Telefunken and Bendix) and all patents registered by this joint-venture and used this acquisition to build the base of the ABS system introduced on the market some years later. The German firms Bosch and Daimler-Benz had been co-developing anti-lock braking technology since the early 1970s, and introduced the first completely electronic 4-wheel multi-channel ABS system in trucks and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class in 1978.[citation needed]
more info:


The anti-lock brake controller is also known as the CAB (Controller Anti-lock Brake).[9][10]
A typical ABS is composed of a central electronic control unit (ECU), four wheel speed sensors — one for each wheel — and two or more hydraulic valves within the brake hydraulics.
The ECU constantly monitors the rotational speed of each wheel, and when it detects a wheel rotating significantly slower than the others — a condition indicative of impending wheel lock — it actuates the valves to reduce hydraulic pressure to the brake at the affected wheel, thus reducing the braking force on that wheel. The wheel then turns faster; when the ECU detects it is turning significantly faster than the others, brake hydraulic pressure to the wheel is increased so the braking force is reapplied and the wheel slows.
This process is repeated continuously, and can be detected by the driver via brake pedal pulsation. A typical anti-lock system can apply and release braking pressure up to 20 times a second.[citation needed]
The ECU is programmed to disregard differences in wheel rotative speed below a critical threshold, because when the car is turning, the two wheels towards the center of the curve turn slower than the outer two. For this same reason, a differential is used in virtually all roadgoing vehicles.
If a fault develops in any part of the ABS, a warning light will usually be illuminated on the vehicle instrument panel, and the ABS will be disabled until the fault is rectified.
more info:

Hyundai Grandeur (XG)/Abnormal vibrating noise.

model: Grandeur (XG) Year model: 2004 Mileage:112345km
Displacement: 3500cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A: Auto
N code: Abnormal noise C code: Improper Adjustment Group: Fuel system
Subject: Abnormal vibrating noise-Acceleration cable

1) Condition:
  1. Noise is heard from the instrument panel and heater duct when the rpm is 1500-1800.
2) Cause:
  1. The strap of power steering pressure hose and accelerator cable are tightened too hard.
3) Diagnosis:
  1. Check the instrument panel and the heater area – trouble not found.
  2. Check the engine room area.
    = The strap of the power steering pressure hose and the accelerator cable is tightened too hard.
    =  The noise travels through the accelerator cable into instrument panel.
      After loosening the strap, the symptom has disappeared.
4) Repair Guide
  1. Loosen the strap of the accelerator cable and the high pressure hose.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Adaptive Cruise Control


ADAPTIVE Cruise Control (PAGE 13)Audi A8

On alternating bends or on entering or leaving
a bend, a vehicle may briefly be "lost" or a
vehicle in the adjacent lane may be "picked

Such behaviour is system-related and does not represent a fault.
This may lead to brief implausible acceleration
or deceleration of the vehicle with adaptive
cruise control.


The blue vehicle is following the red vehicle at
a controlled distance. On negotiating the
90 degree bend, the red vehicle leaves the
radar transmission/reception range. A vehicle
travelling in the adjacent lane briefly enters
the radar range. Although the distance control
unit calculates the bend in the road, control
action caused by the other vehicle may
occur temporarily.




Monday, May 17, 2010

Determining vehicle to which control is to be related

Adaptive Cruise Control Audi

In real traffic situations (e.g. on motorways
and multi-lane roads or when cornering),
there are generally several vehicles within the
radar detection range at the same time.
In this case it is essential to detect which
vehicle is travelling in the same lane (or from
which vehicle the selected distance is to be
This requires lane determination by the distance
control unit. Such a process is relatively
complex and demands extra information
(additional input signals).
Of primary importance are the signals of the
turn angle sensor, wheel speed sensors and
steering angle sender. Evaluation of these
signals provides information on bends in the


B = Average lane width
R = Cornering radius

This "fictitious" lane is derived from the current
cornering radius of the adaptive cruise
control vehicle and a specified average lane

The closest object located in this lane picked
up by the radar sensor is then taken as the
relevant object for control purposes.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Field Self Study/Adaptive Cruise Control(Page 11)


Adaptive Cruise Control in Audi A8 Design and Operation

(Self Study Program, It can help you analyze some Automotive Electronic part and function)

Example showing determination of speed of vehicle in front

As the vehicle in front speeds up, the distance
increases. On account of the Doppler
effect, the frequency of the received
(reflected) signal decreases (ΔfD).
This results in a difference in differential frequencies
between leading (Δf1) and trailing
edge (Δf2). This difference is evaluated by the
distance control unit.


Adaptive Cruise Control in Audi A8 Design and Operation

(Self Study Program, It can help you analyze some Automotive Electronic part and function)
Determining speed of vehicle in front
=> Use is made of a physical phenomenon
known as the „Doppler effect“ to establish the
speed of the vehicle in front.
There is a basic difference depending on
whether the object reflecting the waves transmitted
is stationary with respect to the transmitter
or moving.
=> If the distance between transmitter and
object decreases, the frequency of the
reflected waves increases and vice versa.
This change in frequency is evaluated by the
electronics and supplies the speed value for
the vehicle in front.
Example demonstrating the Doppler effect:
As a fire engine approaches, the siren signal
sounds to be of a constantly high pitch (high
As the vehicle moves further away, the tone
sounds lower (sudden frequency change –
lower frequency).


Friday, May 14, 2010

Adaptive Cruise Control in Audi A8 Design and Operation

(Self Study Program, It can help you analyze some Automotive Electronic part and function)
image image Service.
Self Study Programme 289
For internal use only

Adaptive cruise control in the Audi A8image
Design and operation
Adaptive cruise control is a new system
designed to assist drivers and offers a much
wider range of functions than the conventional
Driver convenience is considerably enhanced,
as fewer accelerator and brake pedal operations
are required. Speed restrictions and
safe distances are reliably observed and the
flow of traffic thus better regulated.
New! Note!
The Self Study Programme contains information on design features
and functions.
The Self Study Programme is not intended as a Workshop Manual.
Values given are only intended to help explain the subject matter
and relate to the software version applicable when the SSP was
Use should always be made of the latest technical publications
when performing maintenance and repair work.
Summary of adaptive cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Limits of adaptive cruise control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Requirements for adaptive cruise control operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Radar basic principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
System components
General view of vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Distance control sender G259 and distance
control unit J428 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Cover for distance control sender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
System functions
Operation and driver information concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
System statuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Operation and driver information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
System settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Fault displays/deactivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mode of operation
General mode of operation of adaptive cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Status diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Data flow
System layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
CAN data exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Setting of distance control sender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Special tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Summary of adaptive cruise control

The basic adaptive cruise control function is
to maintain a driver-selectable distance from
the vehicle in front.
Adaptive cruise control thus represents the
logical next step on from the original cruise
control system.
The distance from and speed of the vehicle in
front are determined by a radar sensor. If the
distance is greater than desired, the vehicle is
accelerated until the required speed input by
the driver is achieved.
Limits of adaptive cruise control system
– Adaptive cruise control is designed to
assist the driver and is not a safety system.
It is not a fully autonomous driving system.
– Adaptive cruise control provides regulation
in a speed range of 30-200 km/h.
– Adaptive cruise control does not react to
stationary objects.
– Radar operation is impaired by rain, spray
and slush.
– Tight bends may restrict operation on
account of the limited radar detection
If the distance is less than desired, the vehicle
is decelerated by reducing power, changing
gear and if necessary applying the brakes. In
the interests of ride comfort, maximum possible
braking is restricted to approx. 25 % of the
maximum deceleration potential of the brake
system (full braking).
The control action is designed to assist the
driver and thus indirectly contributes to
greater road safety.
In certain traffic situations, active braking by
the driver may still be necessary.
Requirements for adaptive cruise control operation
The following essential information is required for control purposes:
Distance from vehicle in front
Speed of vehicle in front
If there are several vehicles within the radar detection range at the same time,
the above information is used to select the vehicle to which control is to be related.
Position of vehicle in front

Distance measurement

The time between signal transmission and reception of the reflected signal components is
governed by the distance from the object concerned. 
Relationship between signal propagation time and distance between transmitter/receiver and
Example: The distance in case B is twice that of case A.
The time required for the reflected signal to reach the receiver is twice as long
in case B as in case A.

50 m
100 m
Radar basic principles
The designation Radio detection and ranging
(Radar) refers to an electronic system developed
to establish the position of a given
It is based on a simple principle: Electromagnetic
waves are reflected by the surfaces of
The waves returning are detected as an
(in gigahertz)
FM signal
Direct propagation time measurement is
extremely complicated. Use is therefore made
of indirect propagation time measurement in
the form of an FMCW (Frequency Modulated
Continuous Wave) process, in which continuously
emitted extra high frequency oscillations
with time-variable frequency are
employed as transmission signal. The frequency
variation (modulation) rate is
200 megahertz within one millisecond.
The transfer medium for this is a carrier signal
with a frequency of 76.5 gigahertz. This
method makes it possible to avoid employing
complicated direct propagation time measurement
and instead to evaluate the differences
in frequency between transmitted and
received (reflected) signal, which are easier to
The difference between the frequencies of the
transmitted and received (reflected) signal is
governed directly by the distance from the
The greater the distance, the longer the propagation
time until the reflected signal is
received again and the greater the difference
between transmitted and received frequency.
Transmitted signal
Received/reflected signal
Determining speed of vehicle in front
Use is made of a physical phenomenon
known as the „Doppler effect“ to establish the
speed of the vehicle in front.
There is a basic difference depending on
whether the object reflecting the waves transmitted
is stationary with respect to the transmitter
or moving.
If the distance between transmitter and
object decreases, the frequency of the
reflected waves increases and vice versa.
This change in frequency is evaluated by the
electronics and supplies the speed value for
the vehicle in front.
Example demonstrating the Doppler effect:
As a fire engine approaches, the siren signal
sounds to be of a constantly high pitch (high
As the vehicle moves further away, the tone
sounds lower (sudden frequency change –
lower frequency).


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hyundai Santa Fe(SM)/Cluster Tail Lamp On-Roof Wiring.

model: Santa Fe(SM) Year model: 2006 mileage: 73874km
Displacement: 2000cc Fuel: Diesel T/A: Auto
N code:Inoperative C code: poor contact & short, open circuit. System: Main harness
Subject: Cluster Tail Lamp On – Roof wiring
1) Condition:
  1. The tail lamp in instrument cluster illuminates key ‘ On’ position when the tail lamp is switch OFF.
2) Cause:
  1. A short circuit between the roof wiring and the vehicle body.
3) Diagnosis:
  1. check the tail lamp bulb – Trouble not found.
  2. Check the tail wiring circuit,
    = A short circuit near the overhead console.
    = Interference between roof wiring( Tail lamp circuit) and vehicle body.
4) Repair Guide:
  1. Check roof wiring.
  2. Repair the shorted roof wiring harness.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Concept Genesis From Hyundai

You've already seen how the Hyundai Genesis coupe competes with the V-6 variants of the Camaro and Mustang, but the upstart entrant is left without a challenger (no pun intended) when it comes to the convertible body style.
Interestingly, Hyundai doesn't offer a single convertible (nor does fellow Korean automaker Kia) while the Camaro's droptop is on the way and the Mustang convertible has been selling for decades. Sure, low-volume convertibles may not generate the most profit compared to other segments, but few cars can match the visual allure of a topless two-door sitting in the center of the showroom.

The bottom line? Would a Hyundai Genesis convertible, similar to these images rendered by our digital illustrator, make you more likely to recommend the automaker to friends?
If Hyundai made the Genesis convertible heavier to keep the body rigid, the coupe's 2.0-liter turbo four-cylinder engine might make for a slow cruiser. The 306-horsepower 3.8-liter V-6 seems to be a better fit, though we wonder how long it will take for Hyundai to add the 274-horsepower turbo-four from the 2011 Sonata sedan

How ESP works
The Electronic Stability Program from Chrysler is a fairly complex piece of engineering. The aim of this system was to move beyond a safety program which was only active during acceleration. ESP is armed as soon as the vehicle is started, and sensor data is gathered at all times. This data is fed into an active computer model which compares the standard behavior of the vehicle’s driver against the actual driving situation as reported by the sensor information. The model is adaptive and learns the driving habits of the vehicle owner, using this information to generate the baseline of safe values to use for comparison purposes. Through this methodology, the ESP system is designed to rapidly react to any deviations between expected values and the condition of the vehicle. This computer model sets the Chrysler Electronic Stability Program apart from other, more basic brake and throttle management stability control systems.
Information such as vehicle speed, braking intensity, pitch and yaw and traction are all taken into consideration. Wheel speed is determined by the same sensors that are used to help the anti-lock braking system (ABS) system choose where braking force should be applied. Steering angle is measured by a sensor in the steering column that notes the position of the steering wheel relative to the actual direction of the vehicle as determined by the yaw sensor. A sensor measuring the lateral acceleration of a vehicle is used to ascertain if the vehicle is in the middle of a skid or not. All of these factors are calculated extremely rapidly by the central processing unit of the ESP system, since at highway speeds even milliseconds can result in a significant amount of distance traveled.

How ESP can help
If the Electronic Stability Program determines that intervention is needed, it can respond in a variety of ways to ensure the continued safe operation of the vehicle. ESP can reduce engine power, thus eliminating wheel spin and slowing down the vehicle in a low-traction situation. It can also take multiple steps to correct a skid or slide, such as individually applying the brakes to each wheel in order to prevent the vehicle from rotating or building enough inertia to roll over. It can also take the extreme option of both applying the brakes and cutting power to bring the vehicle to a complete stop, should it decide that conditions are too treacherous to continue driving.
A common misconception is that stability control programs use the ABS system in order to control the braking pressure at each wheel. In reality, ESP must increase braking pressure individually, while an ABS system reduces the braking pressure of an individual wheel while maintaining uniform pressure for the remaining brakes. This means that the Electronic Stability Program requires a separate brake modulator.

ATM 3rd gear holds – TPS(throttle Position Sensor)/Grandeur (TG)

Model: Sonata (NF) Year model: 2007 mileage: 63879km
Displacement: 24000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A: Auto
Subject: ATM 3rd Hold – TPS (Throttle Position sensor).
  • Impossible to shift intermittently.
  • Normal in sport mode
2) Cause:
  • Abnormal TPS (Throttle position sensor)
3) Diagnosis:
  1. Check output speed sensor = Normal.
  2. Check the TPS: The TPS value between ECM and TCM are different.
    = ECM (engine control module: 50 percent
    = TCM (Transmission Control Module).
    = the condition of the TPS wiring was normal
    = The current data for the engine before repairing
    = Current data for the engine (After repairing)
3) Repair Guide:

Monday, May 10, 2010

12 News Investigates Electronic Stability Control

Car experts are calling it the most important safety feature since seat-belts. If you have a teenage driver at home, it may be the best way to protect your child on the road.

How ESP works
The Electronic Stability Program from Chrysler is a fairly complex piece of engineering. The aim of this system was to move beyond a safety program which was only active during acceleration. ESP is armed as soon as the vehicle is started, and sensor data is gathered at all times. This data is fed into an active computer model which compares the standard behavior of the vehicle’s driver against the actual driving situation as reported by the sensor information. The model is adaptive and learns the driving habits of the vehicle owner, using this information to generate the baseline of safe values to use for comparison purposes. Through this methodology.
the ESP system is designed to rapidly react to any deviations between expected values and the condition of the vehicle. This computer model sets the Chrysler Electronic Stability Program apart from other, more basic brake and throttle management stability control systems.
Information such as vehicle speed, braking intensity, pitch and yaw and traction are all taken into consideration. Wheel speed is determined by the same sensors that are used to help the anti-lock braking system (ABS) system choose where braking force should be applied. Steering angle is measured by a sensor in the steering column that notes the position of the steering wheel relative to the actual direction of the vehicle as determined by the yaw sensor. A sensor measuring the lateral acceleration of a vehicle is used to ascertain if the vehicle is in the middle of a skid or not. All of these factors are calculated extremely rapidly by the central processing unit of the ESP system, since at highway speeds even milliseconds can result in a significant amount of distance traveled.

How ESP can help
If the Electronic Stability Program determines that intervention is needed, it can respond in a variety of ways to ensure the continued safe operation of the vehicle. ESP can reduce engine power, thus eliminating wheel spin and slowing down the vehicle in a low-traction situation. It can also take multiple steps to correct a skid or slide, such as individually applying the brakes to each wheel in order to prevent the vehicle from rotating or building enough inertia to roll over. It can also take the extreme option of both applying the brakes and cutting power to bring the vehicle to a complete stop, should it decide that conditions are too treacherous to continue driving.
A common misconception is that stability control programs use the ABS system in order to control the braking pressure at each wheel. In reality, ESP must increase braking pressure individually, while an ABS system reduces the braking pressure of an individual wheel while maintaining uniform pressure for the remaining brakes. This means that the Electronic Stability Program requires a separate brake modulator.


If there is any truth to this report from Road & Track, you inexpensive sports car lovers are going to owe the Toyota FT-86 a lot of thanks. RT says that the development costs for Toyota's re-entry into the truly sporty segment has run over estimates and the car is going to be priced higher than $20,000 – not what Toyota wanted.
In response, the Japanese automaker has allegedly decided to bring out another, less expensive front-engined, rear-wheel-drive car using the 109-horsepower engine from the first generation Scion xB and getting in under the $20K limbo bar. If this dream does come true, you'll be able to open your eyes in 2012, a year after the FT-86 arrives.

Azera(TG)3.3/poor acceleration and hesitation

Model: Azera (TG) Year model: 2008 Mileage: 79689km
Displacement: 33000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A Auto
Subject: Poor Acceleration and Hesitation
1) Condition:
  • Poor Engine Acceleration and Hesitation.
  • Surge tank misassembled after the spark plug are replaced which cause air leaking
3) Diagnosis:
  • Scan tool check
    = Diagnosis trouble code.
           Code                             Items
       P0100            Air flow sensor malfunction
  • Current data shows the injection time from injector which is longer than Spec. at Idling (4ms).
  • AFS output signal is 1567 mV at ignition ON this data is higher than specification.
  • After changing the AFS, poor accelerating is disappeared, but the engine is still unstable and air leaking noise at idling.
  • Cleaning spray (W40) is sprayed  toward surge tank for leaking test.
    = Engine RPM is changed when spraying, which indicate air leakage.
image image
Airflow sensor                                                                Surge tank
4) Repair Guide:
  • Reinstall the surge tank and replace the AFS.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sonata (FL) 2.4/Inoperative ATM shift lever = Brake switch.

Model: Sonata FL Year model: 2009 Mileage: 40257km
Displacement: 24000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A auto
Subject: Inoperative ATM shift lever = Brake switch.
1) Condition:
  1. Automatic transaxle gear shift lever doesn’t move from ‘ P ‘ and ‘ R ‘ range
  2. Brake light doiesn’t operate.
2) Cause:
  1. Malfunction of brake pedal switch.
3) Diagnosis:
  1. Check the gear shift locking system: System does not operate.
  2. Check the brake pedal switch – Problem exists.
    = The switch stuck and the wires are separated from switch.
    = Gear shift locking system can not operate because the brake switch signal is always ‘ OFF ‘ condition.
    = When gear shift locking system fails to operate, the shift lever cannot move from ‘ P ‘ range.
4) Repair Guide:
  • Replace the brake pedal switch.

Accent 1.4 (MC) Engine cranking but impossible to start = wheel tone.

Model: Accent (MC) Year Model: 2008 Mileage: 56023km
Displacement: 14000cc Fuel: Gasoline T/A all
Subject: Engine cranking but impossible to start = wheel tone.
1) Condition:
  1. Engine Cranking but impossible to start
2) Cause:
  1. CKP (Crankshaft Position Sensor) wheel tone Misaligned.
3) Diagnosis:
  1. Scan tool check = No trouble found
  2. Check timing position of Crankshaft and Camshaft = Good.
  3. Check the fuel pressure through Actuation test of G-Scan = Pressure is Ok.
  4. Check the Spark by Actuation test G-Scan = Failure.
  5. Check the Spark from the spark plug wire,
    = take another spark plug and put to the high tension wire and contact it to body ground then crank the engine. = Abnormal Spark.
  6. Check all wire connection from Engine = Ok
  7. Check the  CKP wheel tone Inside the Engine, (how?)
    =Pull out the CKP Sensor,take trouble light for you to see the Crankshaft and Wheel tone inside, after that manually Turn the Engine = The wheel tone misalign.
4) Repair Guide:
  1. Pull out the Engine.
  2. Disassembling the lower portion of engine.Oil pan, Crankshaft assembly then replace the wheel tone mounted to the Crankshaft.
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